Friday 15 August 2008

Rhona Mitra gets spanky talking about Underworld: Rise of the Lycans

Capone over on AICN interviews Rhona Mitra about the new movie, Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. In it we discover that her character is the daughter of Viktor, played by Bill Nighy. Plus lots of sword fights and facial hair.
"It is primarily, which is what's so interesting about it. It's actually
nothing like the other two. I hadn't seen the other two before I got the job,
but I obviously had a look just to see what the differences were. First of all,
it's set in the 12th century. No guns, no PVC [vinyl clothes], a little bit of
poetic license with some of the fabrics though because we're in vampire world.
We can get spanky if we like."
The full interview is here.

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