Monday 11 August 2008

Prince of Persia - Jake Gyllenhall

Here's Maggie's brother, Jake (Donnie Darko) Gyllenhall from the set of Prince of Persia: Sands of Time due out in 2010. Looks as if Brokeback Mountain really affected him.

The Wife has just said his face is too small for that build!

Prince of Persia is being produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, directed by Mike Newell, and written by both Jeffrey Nachmanoff (The Day After Tomorrow) and one of the game's creators, Jordan Mechner. Prince of Persia stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Gemma Arterton, Ben Kingsley, and Alfred Molina. Disney has pushed the release date back all the way to May 28th, 2010.

Discuss in the forum.


  1. Hugh Jackman would have been perfect for this role!?

  2. The wife is right

  3. He looks ok to me! the movie will be shit anyway so im not to bothered!

  4. Your wife is right.

    Jake doesn't look good and his blonde beard looks shitty too.

  5. i think Eric Bana would be better for this role. 1 - hes actually a talented actor. and 2 - he resembles PoP more, skin tone etc

  6. i think that jake looks too goofy for badass POP.
    i think josh holloway from lost would look way better, yeah he's blonde but his features are far more strong and handsome and looks really like POP with darker hair and some mild tanning.

  7. Jake is so right. the movie will be a blast.

  8. they couldn't find one actual arab actor?! instead they cast this douche?!

  9. go f*** a camel, its prince of Persia not prince of Arabia. mof biatch

    (Anonymous said...

    they couldn't find one actual arab actor?! instead they cast this douche?!//)

  10. persians are arabs you dumb ass racist

  11. Calm it down people. Be nice to one another. This isn't IMDB :)

  12. you think this is bad, wait for God of war XD

  13. what the hell are u talking about, did u get a F in like every subject in school, persian and arabs are TWO different kind of people. get it?? Im persian and Im NOT an arab!! got it? gosh reading your post made my feel like freakin Einstein

    (Anonymous said...
    persians are arabs you dumb ass racist

  14. (Persepolis said...
    what the hell are u talking about, did u get a F in like every subject in school, persian and arabs are TWO different kind of people. get it?? Im persian and Im NOT an arab!! got it? gosh reading your post made my feel like freakin Einstein)

    how come all iranians are considered arabs then?

  15. Various Anonymous do realise you can put any kind of name you want on the comment by clicking on the Name/URL option? Even if you just put Anonymous 1 and Anonymous 2 that would be great. Anything to differentiate between each other otherwise it looks like you are arguing with yourself!

  16. Loud Noises!!!

  17. I've learned something today. I didn't know that there where still Persian peoples about since there is no longer a Persian Empire as such. There is no longer a Roman Empire either and its generally acknowledged that there aren't any Romans around today, so I don't feel too dumb with my preconception. But since I've just enlightened myself on Wiki I would like to welcome our Persian friends to this website. Lets not tear strips off each other needlessly.

  18. Maybe their schizos! I have to say there are some proper mongs on here this week!

  19. Im a frikkin Roman! Whos up for an orgy!

  20. What about us Atlanteans? We're feeling left out. No one ever talks about us

  21. haha, jake gyllenhaal, costume looks good, actor however.... shame!

  22. I think hes a fine actor!... he makes we want to go out and bum a guy right now!

  23. i think his acting is fine just awful casting. although he may act well in the movie he'll just be so distractingly not like the prince in any way!

  24. I agree. I'm surprised I got the part. Still the money is good. Thanks for the kind words guys.
