Tuesday 12 August 2008

More News on the Tropic Thunder Controversy. Do they think my mental faculties are retarded or something?

The Disability Rights Coalition met with Dreamworks over the content of the film recently and on Friday issued a list of demands. Kind of like hostage takers and terrorists!!

How do you feel about this list? One of the demands is a screener for these groups, it would be safe to assume that most, if not all, of the people preparing to protest, have not seen the film. Basically, I get the impression they just want a free showing of the film and once again they forget that the more they protest the more successful the film will be.

What other films can you think of that used the word "retard" and yet had none of the controversy that Tropic Thunder has had?

Here is a direct quote from the movie Something About Mary on IMDB.

"[Pretending to like retarded kids] Pat Healy: Those goofy bastards are about the best thing I've got going."

Was anything ever mentioned about that?

Here is what the Coalition want:

Film Screening: Arrange a film screening of “Tropic Thunder” for disability groups, paid for by the studio, in Los Angeles and in Washington, D.C. before the end of this week.

Public Apology: Make a public apology for the thoughtless use of the “R-word” and derogatory depictions of people with intellectual disability with a summary statement of the studio’s intent to curtail its damaging effect and its commitment to specific next steps (as laid out below).

Film Editing: Completely eliminate all direct mention of or reference to “retard” jokes, disability euphemisms, and disrespectful depictions from the film before it is distributed to theatres and released to DVD.

Film Promotion: Eliminate all trailers, web postings, and ads that focus on “retard” jokes, disability euphemisms, and disrespectful depictions, and reference the “R word.”

Specially Created Trailer: Fund and produce a trailer to air prior to each showing of “Tropic Thunder” that addresses the use of the R-word and the hurtful impact it has, even when people do not mean it that way. This same trailer would also be included within the DVD packaging for after market sales.

National Campaign: Create and fund a comprehensive national educational and advertising social campaign to eliminate the pejorative use of the word retard from use in everyday language, and more importantly create a world of dignity, acceptance and inclusion for people with intellectual disability. The campaign would be developed and vetted by an advisory council of representatives from the coalition. The campaign would also be designed to capitalize on social media and social networking to bring young people together and empower them as agents of change for the R-word campaign and involve appearances of those involved in the film’s creation.

Film Studio Summit: Convene the heads of all the major studios to address the appropriate portrayal of people with intellectual in future films and television programs. The summit would also help reduce stigma surrounding one of the largest disability populations in the world while also raising the awareness of the extraordinary gifts and talents people with intellectual and developmental disabilities have to offer.

This comes from a memo created by Gail Williamson of the Down Syndrome Association of Los Angeles, dated August 8, 2008, and available here: PatriciaBauer.com

Discuss in the forum.


  1. 1) Would people please look up the meaning of the words Retard, Retarded, Retardation. Is the character being portrayed in 'Simple Jack' covered by these words?
    2) Is the film Simple Jack, actually is the whole of Tropic Thunder making fun of mental retardation or are they making fun of hollywood?
    3) Do some people just take things far to far and out of perspective?

    Answers: 1) Yes. 2) Hollywood. 3) Hell yeah!

  2. Retards are cool, i can’t see the problem, i had a bunch of retard mates once! pulling wheelies n' shit! You have to be carful not to piss them off though, they have super retard strength. Retard strength is no myth I'd put retard strength up against an autistic slap attack any day! They where some hard tards!
