Sunday 31 August 2008

Hellboy 3 news - Ron Perlman talks about it and maybe The Hobbit

Author: Guy Davis - Moviehole

"Hellboy II" shot to the top of the American box office in its opening week and is approaching the $US100 million mark, which gives some indication that a third movie would be welcomed by audiences. We had the chance to ask Ron Perlman what he thinks.

"This ride we're on, opening number one at the box office, that's just icing on what was already the most delicious cake I'd ever bitten into," Perlman tells Moviehole's Guy Davis. "Nothing's been announced but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a third, particularly on the heels of Hellboy II's success. And I know Guillermo has an incredibly well-articulated idea about what the third movie needs to be. It'll answer a lot of questions. It almost needs to happen because with the ideas that he has about closing the trilogy, it would be a shame for it go unfinished."

Even if there's no "Hellboy III" a reunion may still be in the offing. "When I found out he was going to be in New Zealand for four years, I said to him ‘I'm really gonna miss you, pal'," says Perlman. "And he said to me ‘Oh no, you're not!' I don't know what he means by that - he didn't get any more specific - but if he needs me there I'm there. Anytime I can be on a film set or even just sitting around a dinner table from Guillermo Del Toro, I'm there."


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