Sunday 6 July 2008

Watchmen - Video of the set and Rorschach walks

Here's a great bit of video showing Dave Gibbons (illustrator of Alan Moore's Watchmen) walking around the set of Zack Snyder's movie adaptation. Some great things to see in this, lots of background stuff that just adds atmosphere but will only be in it for a few seconds in the film - lots of framed photos, newspaper headlines, etc. Plus you also get to see some of the street scenes including the newsstand and there are a few seconds of them filming Rorschach (note the white mask, they're adding the ink blots in post production.
The more I see of this the more faith I have that it is going to be true to the comic book. I'm hoping for something really amazing. What do you think?
Check out the video diary here.
There is also mention here, of the Watchmen trailer opening with The Dark Knight. Apparantly in the interview, "“He (Snyder) pretty much confirmed the trailer is on Dark Knight...and also discussed the running time, how Night Owl’s ship is going to be at Comic-Con, how long the DVD will be and a lot more.”
Watchmen is due to hit the screens 6th March 2009.


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