Thursday 31 July 2008

Venom Spin-off

Well the Joker did say things had been changed forever. He was the big sell for The Dark Knight and it looks like Sony want a piece of the action. They are currently trying to get a script together for a Venom spin-off from the Spider-Man franchise according to Hollywood Reporter. Sony had said Spider-Man 4 would be out in 2011, but not sure how this Venom project will effect that.

Good news is Topher Grace is being ditched and they'll be looking for a bigger name to play Eddie Brock (or maybe Mac Gargan - he was the Scorpion in the Spidey universe, but the Symbiote took hold of him and now he eats people and is very nasty).

Now Venom is a pretty cool character but there's only so much you could do with him. Plus Eddie Brock and the Venom symbiote have an intense loathing of Spider-Man. Therefore, if Spidey is not in this movie then I'm not sure who he will be fighting.

What do you think about this? What other comic book or movie villians could have their own spin offs?
Discuss in the forum.


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