Friday 25 July 2008

Tron 2 - Jeff Bridges to return

This is great news as I love the original Tron movie. From Slash Film

"There have been a number of rumblings in the film news world about another Tron film being released by Disney, including word that it would be in 3D, and even that Jeff Bridges was going to be hearing a pitch about a sequel. No actual information had been confirmed though.

Until now.

Courtesy of the folks at Disney, Comic Con got a surprise look at a scene from the film. The teaser starts off with the camera panning through a strange stylized landscape. At this point, nobody knew what we were watching, so only silence filled the hall. And then, two blue/yellow suit-wearing motorcyclists burst into frame, engaged in a frenzy of a race. Audiences erupted in applause.

The race continues to grow heated between the two players until the yellow guy finds a way to swerve in front of the blue, leaving his yellow race trail behind him. The blue guy smashes into it and causes sort of an electric ripple, launching him over the edge of the track. He grabs on a ledge, just barely holding on.

We then see a bearded Jeff Bridges in his house, sitting calmly with his legs crossed.
Back to the virtual world, we see the yellow guy standing over the blue. His visor lifts up, revealing Bridges underneath. The blue guy shouts, “This is just a game!” Bridges looks down, smiles, and pulls out a glowing yellow circular disc (fans will probably know the name of this thing). Looking at the camera, he swings the disc down violently and the title lights up on screen: Tr2n.

Stupid title aside, this clip was easily enough to highten my anticipation for this film. Not only is it just incredibly awesome to see Jeff Bridges go back to a character he played before he was a household name, but the way the graphics have been updated is slick without being unfaithful to the original. In a way, I’ve been convinced the sequel is no longer an unnecessary Hollywood cashgrab, because the contrast between the old and the new is very reminiscent of what recent generations have been experiencing with constantly updated video game graphics/technology.
Apparently, it will be about a year until any other footage for the film will be seen. Hopefully this means Disney is planning on having a full-on panel presentation next year."

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