Sunday 13 July 2008

Stanley Kubrick Season on More 4

Here is what will be on during the Kubrick season on More4 here in the UK.

Stanley Kubrick's Boxes (2008)15 July, 10pm.Documentary. A biography of a remarkably talented man as seen though the rich collection of material he left behind. Presented by Jon Ronson.

Day of the Fight (1951)15 July, 11.05pm.Documentary short. A day in the life of a middleweight Irish boxer named Walter Cartier, particularly the day of his bout with black middleweight Bobby James.

Barry Lyndon (1975)16 July, time tbc.Kubrick's oeuvre was never more lavish, ravishing or brilliantly eccentric than in his 18th Century story of pugnacious Irish chancer Barry Lyndon, a man with a talent for money and appearances, but with a crippling lack of love in his heart.

Paths of Glory (1957)17 July, 11:55am.A story designed to make the blood boil: blameless French soldiers carry the can for their superiors' mistakes after a botched WWI assault. A work of genius from Kubrick, with a brilliant performance from Kirk Douglas.

Flying Padre (1951)18 July, 12.55pm (Friday afternoon).Documentary short. Two days in the life of priest Father Fred Stadtmuller whose New Mexico parish is so large he can only spread goodness and light among his flock with the aid of a mono-plane.

Lolita (1962) 18 July, 9pm.Kubrick's controversial and deeply ironic black comedy stars James Mason as a middle aged professor obsessed with a precociously sexual minor. Adapted by Nabokov from his own novel.

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)19 July, 1.30pm.Spectacular, trailblazing and philosophical, it's an undisputed masterpiece.

Killer's Kiss (1955)21 July, 11.30pm.Stanley Kubrick's stylish second feature, shot on a shoestring but a clear indication of the great things to come. Intricately plotted, it tells the story of a has-been boxer who falls for a beautiful broad with a violent boyfriend.

The Killing (1956)23 July, 12.05am.Tightly plotted heist-goes-wrong thriller.

The Shining (1980)25 July, 9pm.Stanley Kubrick's atmospheric adaptation of a Stephen King tale. Jack Nicholson stars, in maniacal, terrifying form.

Stanley Kubrick's archive is now housed at the University of the Arts London.


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