Wednesday 2 July 2008

Sherlock Holmes is Borat?

A while ago there was talk of reintroducing Sherlock Holmes to the cinema going public in an action packed pulp stylee franchise. Russell Crowe and Christian Bale, among others, were mentioned to play the great detective. This is not about that movie. That movie is from Warner Bros and Guy Ritchie is down to direct that.

Instead this is about a Sherlock Holmes movie from Columbia Pictures, produced by Judd Apatow and starring Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat, Ali G) as Sherlock Holmes and Will Ferrell as Watson. Etan Cohen (Tropic Thunder) is writing the script. There's more on the story in Variety.

I'm not too sure about this to be honest. I'm a big fan of the Sherlock Holmes stories, I love the old Basil Rathbone movies and I like all the people involved in this new project, but it just makes me go meh! We shall have to wait and see what develops.


  1. I don’t normally like to pre-judge films in development but this does seem to smack of “the path of least resistance” Instead of revamping an intelligent character and developing a clever script Columbia Pictures looks set to “ferrell” it up and dumb it down.. I can’t help feel this is a missed opportunity to bring back the intellectual prowess of London’s finest detective, it certainly seems elementary to me!

  2. The last comedy Holmes film I can think of was Without A Clue starring Ben Kingsley and Michael Caine. Funny in places and a good take on the story (Watson was the detective and Holmes was an actor). I just hope they have a decent story with this one and it's not just a load of fart gags
