Tuesday 29 July 2008

The Random

Kevin Smith will be scribing a Batman mini-series featuring his character Onomatopoeia that he created for Green Arrow.

Could there be a Scream 4? Apparantly so according to MTV's interview with Wes Craven.

According to Hello magazine Johnny Depp and Terry Gilliam are getting back together to make The Man Who Killed Don Quixote.

Tyrese Gibson says he’s in talks to star in the Thundercats movie. So say Coming Soon.

An I Am Legend Prequel may go ahead according to Francis Lawrence

Radical Publishing has linked up with Bryan Singer, who will produce Freedom Formula, not read it but apparantly it is all about exo-suits. Singer is also producing the Image Comics adaptation, Capeshooters, about two superhero paparazzos who discover that an iconic do-gooder is actually a supervillian.

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