Wednesday 16 July 2008

The Random

- Diablo Cody (love that name), scriptwriter of Juno, is apparantly writing a screenplay for a new DreamWorks project. This will be based on an original idea by Spielberg. Variety have more on this. How about that for news which doesn't really tell you much of anything!!

- Hollywood Reporter are saying that Justin Theroux, who wrote Tropic Thunder, is in negotiations to write Iron Man 2.

- Apparantly Tarantino wants Brad Pitt to play the character of Aldo Raine (the bloke who puts the squad together) in Inglorious Bastards and Leonardo DiCaprio to play the boss Nazi, Hans Landa. Variety have the story.

- Monster Squad to be remade. Sounds good, but then you find out Rob Cohen (who made The Skulls, xXx, Stealth) is producing it. The original was a brilliant movie with all the classic monsters trying to take over the World. Plus it was Stan Winston on the effects back then.


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