Thursday 3 July 2008

Kubrick Season on More 4

More 4 in the UK are showing 10 Stanley Kubrick movies from July 15th. To help promote it they recreated the set of The Shining, got some look a like actors and did a 65 second tracking shot from Kubricks POV.

I've just watched it and it is very impressive. Take a look at it here. Apparantly lots of the equipment used in the shot were actually used to make the original movie.

The documentary Citizen Kubrick by John Ronson will kick of the season.

Some cracking movies then for us all to watch. I think 2001: A Space Odyssey is my favourite Kubrik movie. I just love the whole feel of it. It just seems so real. Oh and my Mum once met the bloke who played the ape who smashes all the bones up which is pretty cool!

What's your favourite Kubrick movie?


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