Friday 11 July 2008

Interview - Steve Chisholm, Action Hero

In order to keep the site fresh and exciting I have recently sent off a load of interview requests to various people in the movie business. So far I've had a few very polite, but ultimately negative responses. As it is still early days for the site this is to be expected. I'm a tiny fish in a very big pond. Daniel Craig's people have said he is out of the country, Ray Winstone's people told me he is off filming and Helena Bonham Carter's people have advised me she is too busy. The nice thing though is they have all been really polite and have even wished me good luck with the site. Still lots more people to hear from. I've got my money on Simon Pegg. We shall see.

However, just to get the interview thing underway here is one I did with the regular contributor to the site, Chisholm. He truly is the greatest movie action hero there never was and has starred in numerous movies you won't have seen. They include "Exploding Trixie", "Hell Hath No Fury Like a Lying B@stard", "The Young, The Fast and the Dead", "Spank Me I'm An Angel", "All Dogs Lead to Hell", "Humpin", "The Whole Hog", "Ain't Nothin but a Corpse", "Yoga Death" and the critically acclaimed "Coco and the Undertaker"

Here is his interview.

Name: Steven Chisholm
Occupation: Hard B*stard

What are you currently working on?
Collateral Death 3 – "Failure to Die"

When is it released?
October 18th

Why should we go and see it?
It contains 865 deaths. 42 of those are during the titles, 5 before the fox logo.

Whom would you pick to play you in a movie of your life?
It’s a tough one but there’s a guy called "the Russian", hard as nails! Alternatively id play "the Russian" playing myself!

If you could have starred in any movie which one would it be and whom would you play?
Enter the Dragon,I'd play Bruce Lee’s fist! He was one hard sucker!
Interesting story actually regarding my premature birth. During the filming of Game of Death my Mother was on set performing the stunts for Bruce. He was showing her his 1 inch punch and accidently caught her in the midriff. Unbeknownst to my mother she was 5 months pregnant and dropped me right there. Apparently I wasn’t impressed and let rip with a "Flying ½ inch punch of Judah" The rest as you know is history!

What novel, that has been so far been missed by Hollywood, would make the ultimate Film?
Not really a Novel as such but my Auto Biography, simply entitled "Chisholm, in your face! "

Which three movies would you mash up to create your perfect movie?
Still Life, Gun Trauma IV & F*ck your Jihad II

What have you done in life that you would make sure your kids would never do?
As you know on set I perform all my own stunts including action sequences for other actors. During the filming of Hard as Death 2, I fell 95ft breaking both legs in 65 places and temporarily paralysing myself from the neck up. During the 2nd take I momentarily winced with pain whilst performing the running scene showing an uncharacteristic split-second of weakness and emotion.

Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life?
The film Shaolin Delivery Boy "who ordered the pain to go!" It opened my eyes to a whole new way of physical violence.

What Question do you wish people would ask you but never do?
Can we have a sequel to "Baghdad Blues, the Uzi days"

Steve Chisholm thank you for your time.


  1. Steve! Steve! Steve! Steve!

  2. I'm fairly sure I've seen "Spank me I'm an Angel"....Could be wrong though....

    Father Jack "DFAG"

  3. "Chisholm, in your face! " ROFL
