Sunday 27 July 2008

G.I. Joe may be a Trilogy?

So I was over at the folks place with the family today ready to go to the Port Sunlight Village Festival. We had a good day. The sun was shining, we bumped into the Dude and his family (Hi to The Dude), my son went crazy on the various stalls and rides and it was all rather pleasant.

Just before leaving the folks I had a read of the supplements in the Mail on Sunday. There was a big article about Sienna Miller's lovelife. However, the interesting bit was that it mentioned she was optioned for 2 more movies following the G.I. Joe movie (starring Dennis Quaid amongst others) where she plays the Baroness. I wasn't aware it was going to be a trilogy, but looks as if it just may be. Can anyone confirm this?

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