Tuesday 29 July 2008

District 9 - What is it? Peter Jackson's Latest Movie

This from Jinja. The short film is particularly good

Here is what I have found so far...

Peter Jackson (King Kong, Lord of the Rings, Brain Dead, Bad Taste, Meet the Feebles) and Neill Blomkamp were due to be making the Halo movie, when that got shelved (apparently temporarily) they decided to work on a new project. I say new, but it the idea seems to have come from a short movie by Blomkamp called 'Alive in Joburg'.

It is about a fictional/parallel world where aliens have become refugees in South Africa.

This all fits in with the info we are given from the d-9.com and multinationalunited.com websites.
It reminds me a little of Alien Nationto be honest, but with Jackson on board and the Weta workshop it should quite an action/effects packed movie.

The US release date for District 9 is 14th August 2009. But, in the meantime you can see the short 'Alive in Joburg' below

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1 comment:

  1. I agree with the Alien Nationess of this. Could also have a bit of V chucked into the mix. At least it's not Men in Black
