Saturday 19 July 2008

The Dark Knight Kapows Box Office Records

It opened in the States at midnight last night. Slash Film states
"Chris Nolan’s Bat sequel grossed $66.4 million, including $18+ mill in midnight
showings. Several analysts say this figure is low, mirroring the first midnight show tallies. According to Box Office Mojo, the current figure places TDK in the record books for top opening day of all time, zooming past Spider-Man 3’s $59+ million last year and POTC: DMC’s $55+ mill the year before. Clearly, the weekend record of $155 million is obtainable."
Looks like it will keep smashing those records.

By the way the picture above is of an acrylc painting I did a while ago and sold. **Initiate Shameless Plug** I do comic book commissions **End Shameless Plug**

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