Wednesday 16 July 2008

The Dark Knight is almost with us

Only a couple of days until The Dark Knight hits the States and I'll be seeing it in a weeks time at a special preview showing on the 23rd. Reports coming in say it is the best Batman movie ever and a brilliant movie in it's own right. A definite Oscar contender by all accounts. Some people also think it may have the biggest opening weekend of all time. Will it break the $200 Million mark?
Discuss in the forum.


  1. I've just found out Maggie Gyllenhall is in it, so that's reason enough for me to see it!

    PS...Tombstone on TV now...what a film! Val Kilmer especially has never given such a good performance....


  2. ...unlike the so called performance he gave in the Saint which was on on Tuesday night. Dear god!

  3. Val Kilmer better performances:

    Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
    True Romance
    The Doors
    ..ahem Top Gun !
